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Writer's pictureIshan Acharya


This month we had a lot of exciting events and competitions. This article will give a short recap of all of what happened in the thrilling month of April.

Tuesday, April 2nd — April Ceremonial Divisions

On the first Tuesday of every month, the corps has a Ceremonial Divisions parade (or CDs for short). It includes awards, recognition and drill-packed ceremonies for our Cadets. On April's CDs, AC Le Bars was awarded, Cadet of the Month for all of his hard work in March. Here are a few pictures down below:

Friday, April 5th to Saturday, April 6th — Cadet Overnight Training Weekend

It was to prepare us to set sail, and set sail it did. It ranged through two days, with more fun that included sports and a movie on Friday evening, an overnight stay at the Legion next door and practice for the upcoming Seamanship Competition the next day that included: Flags & Hoists, Gyn, Semaphore, Sea Quiz and much more! A few pictures down below:

Saturday, April 20th — Regional Seamanship Competition

All of the practice over those last few weeks was finally put to the test. And we rocked it! We left early in the morning to Brantford, where for most of the day we competed against other Corps with Gyn, Sea Quiz, Flag Hoist, Semaphore, & Knots. It was a day full of teamwork, fun and friendly competition. A few pictures down below:

And that wraps up the month of April. It was an exciting journey this month, full of fun, practice and competitions. Thank you for reading, and have a great day. Looking forward to the new road in May.

Want to see more pictures?

You can see more pictures of this month and more in the photos section of our website!

Note this recap does not include training nights, drill/guard, seamanship training and other events

Edited by: Lt(N) Knoop

Written by: LC Acharya. I

Photos Taken by: LC Acharya

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