Over this past Cadet year, RCSCC Warspite has seen massive growth, not only in its amount of Cadets (more than doubled) but in cadet's skills, teamwork & seamanship too. To acknowledge the achievements of our Cadets, we had an awards dinner a Friday's ago which had food, important people and most importantly, medals and awards for Cadets and officers. This article will cover all of the awards our Cadets got. So be prepared to get your mind blown over the amount of them our Cadets achieved!
What can be an Awards Dinner without food? Our Cadets got to enjoy a warm meal before proceeding with all of the awards. One thing to keep in mind though, is that we had our Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) the next day so Cadets were told to be conservative with their eating. So they of course did the opposite and were more than liberal, with it. Like they say, good food always makes space into a full stomach!

Cadets and Officers pictured eating at the Awards Dinner above.
So without further or do, let's get it on with the awards, with the first few ones being attendance ones:
First of many, we have the Perfect Attendance award for Cadets who achieved 100% attendance at Cadet events like poppy drives or training events.
These included:
POC1 Lavigne
POC2 Rainville
LC Rojas

The Cadets who got the Perfect Attendance Award, are pictured above.
Next up, we have the Near-Perfect Attendance Award. This is awarded to Cadets who have received 90-99% attendance for Cadet events.
These include:
CPOC2 Lavigne
LC Lebars
LC Proulx
MC Ramirez
POC1 Marquis
AC Eidt
MC Acharya. A
CPOC1 Yang
MC Acharya. I
POC2 Brunet
LC Garraway. R
LC Fotheringham
LC Campbell
LC Rovskiy
LC Ingram
LC Garraway. K

The Cadets who got the  Near-Perfect Attendance Award, are pictured above.
For our last attendance award given to our Cadets, we have the Excellent Attendance Award. This is awarded to Cadets who have received 80-90% attendance for Cadet events.
These Cadets Included:
POC2 Mehta
LC Lindstrom
POC2 Miller
MC McInroy

The Cadets who received the Excellent Attendance Award, are pictured above.
The Seamanship Award was given to Cadets who displayed the best seamanship skills.
These Cadets included:
LC Garraway. K
LC Garraway. R

The Cadets who got the Seamanship Award pictured above
The Top Shot Cadet Award was awarded to POC2 Rainville-Shortell.

The Cadet who was awarded the Top Shot Cadet Award is pictured above.
Next up, we have the Most Improved Marksmanship Award. Given to Cadets who received the biggest jump in improvement of their marksmanship skills over two years.
These Cadets included:
POC2 Brunet

The Cadet who was awarded the Most Improved Marksmanship Award is pictured above.
Moving on, we have the Most Tiddley Cadet Award. This is presented to Cadets who display the most neatness, organisation & cleanliness of their uniform, going above and beyond over Cadet Dress Code regulations.
These Cadets included:
LC Rojas

The Cadet who got the Most Tiddley Cadet Award is pictured above.
After this, we had the Most Buccanneering Cadet Award. This is given to Cadets who "pirate" the most, or in simpler terms, explore the most opportunities.
These Cadets included:
MC Acharya. A
MC Acharya. I

The Cadets who got the Most Buccanneering Cadet Award are pictured above.
After this, we have Senior Awards. These awards are a bit different compared to other ones because they are created and presented to Cadets by Senior Cadets, or anyone POC2 rank and higher.
The Most Literally Interpreted Command award is given to a Cadet who took each command and analysed it carefully and with scrutiny. Finding mistakes and room for improvement.
The Cadet who got this award was:
LC Le Bars

The Cadet who got the Most Literally Interpreted Command is pictured above. (Right)
Next, the Walking Encyclopedia Award is given to a Cadet who knows everything, about anything.
The Cadet who got this award was:
MC Ramirez

The Cadet who got the Walking Encyclopedia Award is pictured above. (Right)
Moving forward, we have the Smooth Sailing Award. This is given to a Cadet who displays to most calmness during Cadet events.
The Cadet who got this award was:
LC Rojas

The Cadet who got the Smooth Sailing Award is pictured above. (Right)
Moving on, we have the Canteen Philanthropist Award which is given to the Cadet who spent to most money on the Canteen throughout the Cadet year.
The Cadet who one this award was:
CPOC2 Lavigne

The Cadet who got the Canteen Philanthropist Award is pictured above. (Right) - You are one hungry man.
Next, we have the Most Obsessed with Drill Award. This is given to a Cadet who is really... really and even more really obsessed with drill. From personal experience, this guy makes anywhere his drill square, whether it's the tarmac at school, or during stand easy at Cadets.
The Cadet who got this award was:
LC Rovskiy

The Cadet who got the  Most Obsessed with Drill Award is pictured above. (Right)
Marching forward, we have the Coxswain's 1st Mate Award. Given to the Cadet who was the Coxswain's "right-hand man" during this Cadet year.
The Cadet who got this award was:
POC2 Rainville-Shortell

The Cadet who got the Coxswain's 1st Mate Award is pictured above. (Right)
Marching even more forward, we have the Best Laugh Award. This award is given to the Cadet who demonstrated to best laugh during this Cadet year.
The Cadet who got this award was:
LC Ingram

Cadets pictured laughing to LC Ingram's laugh. LC Ingram is pictured right.
Last but not least, we have the Most Likely To Fall Asleep Award. Given to the Cadet who is most likely to fall asleep during Cadet activities or events.
The Cadet who got this award was:
CPOC2 Lavigne

CPOC2 Lavigne literally sleeping while getting his award. (Right)
And that wraps it up for all the awards from our Awards dinner. The sheer amount of Awards that our Cadets received just goes to show how much we have worked hard as a Corps along with working on our individual skills as Cadets.
Did you know that these were not all of the awards? Stay tuned for an upcoming article that will cover all the awards, ceremonies and things that happened at our Annual Ceremonial Review!
Special thanks to POC2 Miller & The Navy League President CV Knoop for helping take pictures!
WHAT! I can see pictures of all of the Cadet events.
Head over to the photos section of this website now!
Written by MC Acharya. I
Photos Taken by MC Acharya. I, Melanie Knoop & POC2 Miller
Edited by: Lt(N) Knoop
94 Warspite